Aligning financial markets with a sustainable future

Planet Tracker is a non-profit financial think tank producing analytics and reports to align capital markets with planetary boundaries. Our mission is to create significant and irreversible transformation of global financial activities by 2030.

By informing, enabling and mobilising the transformative power of capital markets we aim to deliver a financial system that is fully aligned with a net-zero, nature-positive economy.

Planet Tracker proactively engages with financial institutions to drive change in their investment strategies. We ensure they know exactly what risk is built into their investments and identify opportunities from funding the systems transformations we advocate.

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Greenhushing – sophisticated greenwashing?

Recently concerns have been raised that corporates are ‘greenhushing’, when organisations deliberately choose to hide their green or ESG credentials from public view. Is this an indication that civil society or investors have gone too far in their demands for sustainability metrics, leaving management teams cautious about declaring their progress on green or sustainability issues, or the next step in the evolvement of increasingly sophisticated greenwashing?

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Our Recent Reports

Destroying Brazil’s AirCon

Brazil must act now to prevent a deforestation “tipping point” that could turn the Amazon rainforest into a “carbon-emitting Savannah”, causing significant harm to the Brazilian economy and the soft commodity supply chains linked to it, reveals Planet Tracker’s latest report, Destroying Brazil’s AirCon, a reference to the role played by Brazil’s forests in moderating temperatures, likened to a giant air-conditioning unit.

Danone S.A. (BN:FP) Climate Transition Analysis

Leading French multinational food and beverage manufacturer Danone S.A. is on track to align with a 1.5° warming scenario by 2030 and meet Net Zero ambitions by 2050. However, the company will need to demonstrate a sufficient mitigation strategy for its Scope 3 Upstream emissions, which are currently forecast to account for 91% of a total 36,549 KTCO2e by 2030 – 147% higher than advised by Forest, Land and Agriculture Science Based (FLAG) targets.
Events & Webinars

Listen to Planet Tracker’s Director of Research John Willis and Policy Office Arianna Manili discussing biodiversity and its importance to the world and to investors wirh Birgit Lundem Jakobsen, Senior ESG Analyst at PGIM Fixed Income in this episode of PGIM’s #Fixed on ESG Podcast series

Reuters ESG Conference

ESG Investment Europe 2022 will unite 300+ industry executives from every corner of the financial ecosystem – from the ones setting the global agenda like EFRAG, GRI, ISSB, and UN PRI to the ones moving the market with their combined total of ~ €1.2tn AUM and climbing. Find more about the event and its industry-leading agenda and speaker line-up on the official website today (and get 100EUR off with our personalized discount code ESGEU22PARTICIPANT): ESG Investment Europe 2022 (


Subscribe to Inside Track ahead of COP27 –
a new podcast series from Planet Tracker.

Across four episodes, we talk about some of the key themes the investment and finance community need to know about for COP27 this November.


Please visit our YouTube Channel to view our past webinars

What we do
Planet Tracker


Through its breakthrough analytics and reports.


By creating toolkits and methodologies demonstrated via real world case studies.


Through an intensive engagement programme targeted at key financial decision makers and influencers.

Redefining how financial and environmental data interact

Planet Tracker combines financial, environmental, scientific and data analysis expertise to speak about ecological limits in a language familiar to the financial community.

The Need for Change

We have a 'duty of care' to address potential ecological resource fault lines


International recognition for our work

"Our ground-breaking report, The Sovereign Transition to Sustainability: Understanding the Dependence of Sovereign Debt on Nature, won the “ESG Innovation of the Year (Research)” category in the Environmental Finance 2020 Sustainable Investment Awards."
"Our thought leadership paper on sustainable investing: Investors can scale sustainable aquaculture and reduce overfishing through green and blue bonds, was named a winner of the Environmental Finance Sustainable Investment Awards 2021."
Planet Tracker is honoured to have been named Non-Profit of the Year in the Environmental Finance Impact Awards 2021 by a global panel of impact investors. This Award is a tribute to the dedication and commitment of the Planet Tracker team.
Planet Tracker was awarded Gold in the Sustainable Business category at the Business Challenge Awards 2022 for our ground breaking work on Traceability & Transparency in global supply chains.
Our thought leadership paper on sustainable investing, Latin America, No Rain on the Plain, was named winner of the Environmental Finance Sustainable Investment Awards 2022.
Our Mission

We work to embed the true value of nature into global capital flows

Our initial focus is on global industry sectors defined by significant investment flows in the context of the planetary boundaries that are most threatened. We aim to unlock, mobilize and redirect the power of capital markets to deliver on sustainable development objectives.

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