
Global Plastic Treaty Dashboard

In November, formal negotiations on a legally binding treaty to end plastic pollution will commence and in the next 2 years the treaty will discuss the full life cycle of plastic. Click here to learn more about the policy negotiations and how plastic consumption can affect them.

Nature Dependent Exporters

Planet Tracker identified those countries which are dependent on nature for export trade revenues. We call them Nature Dependent Exporters (NDE).

Toxic Footprints

Toxic Footprints aims to show how investors are exposed to petrochemical facilities and their toxic releases in the Gulf of Mexico, USA.

Nature Dependent Trade Dashboard

Planet Tracker has developed a dashboard that maps the trade of key renewable agricultural exports to their sources by political systems. Most exposed to disruption from non-democratic states are cotton, fish and cereals, in descending order. Meat could be vulnerable if feedstock supplies were impacted.

WTO Negotiation Dashboard

After two decades of negotiations, a partial ban on capacity-enhancing (i.e., harmful) fisheries subsidies is finally within the World Trade Organization’s reach. Some countries will be exempt from this ban. The thresholds retained to be exempt might be subject to change as the current WTO negotiations develop.

IUU Toolkit

Planet Tracker has created an interactive IUU Detection Toolkit which helps investors compute an IUU fishing risk score for any listed fishing company

Blue Recovery Bond Dashboard

To help investors see in practice how a blue bond could help trigger a recovery in fish stocks and generate higher returns for fishing companies, Planet Tracker has created a simple interactive dashboard where users can change the key modelling assumptions.