About Us

Our mission

We aim to deliver exceptional results

Planet Tracker is aiming for a significant, irreversible transformation of global financial activities by 2030.

To accomplish this, Planet Tracker seeks to change the practices of financial decision-makers to avoid ecological collapse and to show how environmental data can be used to drive ambitious positive financial outcomes.

Planet Tracker generates break-through analytics that reveal both the role of capital markets in the degradation of our ecosystem and the opportunities of transitioning to a zero-carbon, nature positive economy.

Through its reports and analyses and a programme of proactive engagement with financial institutions, Planet Tracker provides real world examples of how natural capital and ecological decline impact both the financial community and the companies in which they invest and seeks to internalise natural resources that have traditionally been seen as externalities and thus not valued in traditional economic models.

Global Industry Sectors

Planet Tracker has two primary programme streams: Food System Transition and Materials System Transition.

Food System Transition covers both sea and land-based food production and encompasses wild-catch fisheries and aquaculture; agricultural commodities and deforestation, principally in Latin America; as well as currently developing an overarching ‘Financial Roadmap for Food System Transition’ which seeks to identify the key nodes in which the capital markets can have the greatest leverage.

This work seeks to address the challenges of feeding an ever-growing world population with diminishing natural capital resources.

Materials System Transition encompasses our Textiles Tracker and Plastic Tracker programmes which address two enormous industries with correspondingly enormous environmental issues.
The goal of our Plastics Programme is to stem the flow of environmentally damaging plastics and related-products that are creating global waste and health issues by transparently mapping capital flows and influence in the sector starting from resins production through to product use.

The ultimate goal of the Textiles Programme is to drive the transition of the global textiles supply chain to more sustainable practices as outlined with the UN Sustainable Development Goals, the Paris Climate agreement, and the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework.

In addition to addressing challenges and solutions in our main programmes, Planet Tracker creates Thought Leadership reports which aim to foster debate on finance-related themes which transcend the sector-specific nature of our industry focus and are applicable across all our programmes. 

Our audiences range from analysts and portfolio managers to index providers, loan underwriters, corporate board members and management teams and other capital market influencers. However, our work is relevant to a broad community of actors including insurers, regulators, ratings agencies and is featured by the media and used by civil society to pressure for change.

team members

The Planet Tracker Team

Richard Wielechowski
Senior Investment Analyst (Textiles)
Thalia Bofiliou
Senior Investment Analyst (Plastics)
Chris Baldock
Head of Data Methodology
Giorgio Cozzolino, CFA
Quantitative Investment Analyst
Peter Elwin
Director of Fixed Income & Head of Food & Land Use Programme
Filippo Grassi
Data Analyst
Nicole Kozlowski
Head of Engagement
Ailish Layden
Research Associate
Dominic Lyle
Director of Communications
Arianna Manili
Policy Officer
Robin Millington
Ewan Mitchell
Investment Analyst
François Mosnier
Head of Oceans Programme
Graham Webb
Chief Operating Officer
John Willis
Director of Research