Greenhushing – sophisticated greenwashing?

Recently concerns have been raised that corporates are ‘greenhushing’, when organisations deliberately choose to hide their green or ESG credentials from public view. Is this an indication that civil society or investors have gone too far in their demands for sustainability metrics, leaving management teams cautious about declaring their progress on green or sustainability issues, or the next step in the evolvement of increasingly sophisticated greenwashing?

Danone on track for 1.5° warming scenario by 2030, finds Planet Tracker

A new report from Planet Tracker about leading French multinational food and beverage manufacturer, Danone S.A., has found the company is on track for a 1.5° warming scenario – on the proviso that Scope 3 Upstream emissions are sufficiently reduced.

Secretariat selected for collaborative global investor engagement initiative to drive nature action

A new collaborative global investor engagement initiative set to ‘soft’ launch later this year has announced today that the Secretariat and Corporate Engagement work stream will be co-led by the sustainability advocacy nonprofit Ceres and the investor network Institutional Investors Group on Climate Change (IIGCC). The Finance for Biodiversity Foundation and the financial think tank Planet Tracker will co-lead the initiative’s Technical Advisory Group.

Deforestation could turn the Amazon into a ‘’carbon-emitting Savannah”, warns Planet Tracker

Deforestation and climate change pose a huge financial risk to exposed investors – both in Brazil and around the world. Planet Tracker highlights the danger posed to the Brazilian economy from deforestation-driven regional climate change, and outlines what the financial services industry can and should be doing about it.

UNEP: Undertaking Negotiations to Eliminate Plasticization

Next month, formal negotiations will start on a legally binding treaty to end plastic pollution. Although there appears to be little disagreement about the pervasiveness of plastic pollution, how to resolve this will prove problematic. Who should take responsibility for the present situation and how should this influence future responsibilities?

Planet Tracker identifies countries dependent on nature for their exports and analyses what they have in common

Presenting a new metric of countries’ nature dependence based on trade, gthis report reveals the scale of certain economies’ dependency on nature and the results of this dependency. Understanding this is crucial to reducing export risks as climate change accelerates as well as building sustainable economies for nature-dependent exporters.

This report from Planet Tracker finds that leading French multinational food and beverage manufacturer, Danone S.A., is on track for a 1.5° warming scenario – on the proviso that Scope 3 Upstream emissions are sufficiently reduced. Danone is performing well in terms of governance, with high incentives for management tied to Net Zero objectives, as well as supplier engagement. The company is less advanced on its customer engagement and association with groups with a negative position on climate.

This report (the successor to No Rain on the Plain (2021), look at the effects of deforestation on the Brazilian economy and society at large, with a focus on agriculture, energy, productivity, health and transport. Sovereign bond investors exposed to Brazilian bonds, and equity and credit investors and banks exposed to domestic Brazilian companies or companies linked to Brazil through their supply chains, not to mention all their stakeholders, will soon suffer the direct effects of Brazil’s climate becoming more hostile.

This report classifies world exports into those dependent on nature – both renewable and non-renewable and those which are not, divides countries into high, medium and low nature dependent exporters and examines countries with high dependency, by looking at common characteristics based measures such as credit ratings, GDP per capita, economic inequality, food security, soil erosion and climate resilience.

A low average profit margin across the seafood supply chain means the total cost of production is really the main driver of end-prices. Cutting down on even a few areas of unnecessary expenditure, which can be identified through improved traceability, can thus result in significant profit boosts. Just a 1% investment could unlock a USD 600 billion-dollar boost in global seafood enterprise valuations.

This report reveals the regulatory weaknesses around toxic releases that are currently hidden from both investors and the public – despite the clear health hazards – which the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is not permitted to reveal.

This report highlights ten major failings regarding toxic emissions. These are split into two categories: data that is hidden from view, but which is still allowed under current regulations, and areas where data transparency can be improved.

Under the OECD’s business-as-usual scenario, global plastic waste is forecast to rise to 1,014 Mt by 2060, a near tripling compared to 2019 levels. The AEPW’s last Progress Report (2021) demonstrates that the AEPW had only diverted and recycled about 0.004 Mt since its creation in 2019, signaling that a dramatic ramp-up in recycling and recovery is needed. The USD 1.5 billion pledged by the AEPW members over a five-year period represents only a fraction of their members’ financial capacity and it is trivial in comparison to the USD 400 billion the oil & gas and chemical industry plans to spend on new plastic manufacturing capacity in the coming years.