Toxic Footprints

Toxic Footprints shows how investors are exposed to petrochemical facilities and their toxic releases in the Gulf of Mexico, USA. The work shows the largest investors in the most toxic petrochemical companies and facilities in the region and which toxic chemicals pose the largest risk to human health. The results are split into two dashboards, the first showing a list of the top toxic polluters and their investors, while the second provides more detail on the facilities and locations that are linked to investors.

Numbers in the dashboard: 6,522 equity investors, 225 facilities, 89 facility owners, 76 corporates, 211 chemicals, 2 states, 1 year.

Use this dashboard to identify the top polluting investors, corporates and facilities in the report. The filters in the red boxes at the top of the dashboard update the the bar chart called ‘1. Top Toxic Polluters’. Clicking an entity in this table updates the table called ‘2. Top 20 investors’ which will then show the top 20 investors in the selected entity. The first filter shows the three metrics used to quantify toxic releases – two show potential health impacts and one shows the physical quantity of chemicals released. Toxic releases are apportioned to investors based on their shareholding of the corporate entity that owns the petrochemical facility. Hovering over the bars in chart 1 will produce a tooltip that provides extra information on that entity. Once you have identified investors, corporates and/or facilities of interest you can use dashboard 2 to get more information on their toxic footprint.

Use this dashboard to gain a more granular insight into the facilities and toxic chemical releases that are being financed by investors. You can filter for the same metrics as you can in dashboard 1, and by clicking on the three horizontal lines you can see a range of other filters that can be used to update the dashboard, including to view only carcinogenic chemical releases. Use the Chemical Name Highlighter to find specific chemicals of interest which will update the charts in the view. All the charts are interactive so by clicking on an entity or highlighting a number of facilities in charts 2, 3 and 4 will update the other charts to display the relevant information. To share this dashboard, click on the black Download PDF button to export the current selections into a PDF document. More information can be found by reading our FAQs below, reading our Toxic Footprint report, EPA Data Guidebook, or Methodology Annex.