Deforestation could turn the Amazon into a ‘’carbon-emitting Savannah”, warns Planet Tracker

Deforestation and climate change pose a huge financial risk to exposed investors – both in Brazil and around the world. Planet Tracker highlights the danger posed to the Brazilian economy from deforestation-driven regional climate change, and outlines what the financial services industry can and should be doing about it.

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UNEP: Undertaking Negotiations to Eliminate Plasticization

Next month, formal negotiations will start on a legally binding treaty to end plastic pollution. Although there appears to be little disagreement about the pervasiveness of plastic pollution, how to resolve this will prove problematic. Who should take responsibility for the present situation and how should this influence future responsibilities?

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Planet Tracker identifies countries dependent on nature for their exports and analyses what they have in common

Presenting a new metric of countries’ nature dependence based on trade, gthis report reveals the scale of certain economies’ dependency on nature and the results of this dependency. Understanding this is crucial to reducing export risks as climate change accelerates as well as building sustainable economies for nature-dependent exporters.

Continue ReadingPlanet Tracker identifies countries dependent on nature for their exports and analyses what they have in common