Planet Tracker wins Environmental Finance Award 2022

We are delighted to announce that, for the third year in a row, Planet Tracker has been named a winner of the Environmental Finance Sustainable Investment Awards 2022.

The award honours our thought leadership paper on sustainable investing – Latin America, titled: No Rain on the Plain: Deforestation Threatens Brazil’s Agricultural Exports.

It follows Awards in 2020 for The Sovereign Transition to Sustainability: Understanding the Dependence of Sovereign Debt on Nature and Can blue bonds finance a fish stock recovery? and Bonds for Ponds: green bonds can assist aquafeeds transition in 2021.

This year’s award showcases the insightful research currently being undertaken by Planet Tracker within the scope of its Food System Transformation Programme, which seeks to engage with targeted financial market actors (Equity and Fixed Income as well as Banks, Insurers and other Influencers) to increase their understanding of the environmental harms they are directly and indirectly funding.

The report exposes a largely unrecognized and fundamental issue caused by deforestation in Brazil, which is driving a negative regional climate feedback loop. This negative feedback loop is increasing risks for investors in Brazil’s sovereign bonds, as well as for equity and debt investors supporting companies across Brazil’s economy.

No Rain on the Plain immediately caught the attention of both English and Spanish language press – coverage was achieved in over 75 publications including top tier national publications such as Forbes Brazil, Yahoo News, CNN Brasil, BBC Brazil and more widely in The Independent, Deutsche Welle, Euromoney and The Washington Post.

Robin Millington, CEO



We would be happy to receive your feedback on our reports and to discuss our work in more detail. Please contact our Head of Engagement Nicole Kozlowski to share your views or arrange a meeting.

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About Us

Planet Tracker is a non-profit financial think tank aligning capital markets with planetary boundaries. It was created in 2018 to investigate the risk of market failure related to environmental limits, focusing on oceans, food & land use and materials such as textiles and plastics.

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