John Willis joins Planet Tracker as Director of Research

Planet Tracker is delighted to announce the immediate appointment of John Willis as Director of Research, to help meet a constantly expanding programme.


John brings over 30 years of experience in the financial sector to Planet Tracker, having worked in a wide variety of roles, including research, trading, securities lending and portfolio management. He has also held management positions on both the buy- and sell-sides.

“We are delighted that John has agreed to join the Planet Tracker team at this important time in our development and to bring a wealth of experience and knowledge to our work,” said Executive Director, Robin Millington. “As we add Plastics, Textiles and Water programmes to our existing work on Oceans and Food & Land Use, John’s extensive finance and research background will add a new dimension to our skills base.”

Prior to joining Planet Tracker, John co-founded Sustainable Insight Capital Management, an asset manager which has managed a range of equity funds for sustainability-conscious investors and previously held the position of Global Head of Research at Deutsche Asset Management.

In addition, John holds several pro bono trustee roles in education and child communication support.

Matthew McLuckie, previously Director of Research at Planet Tracker, has assumed the role of Director of Investor Relations as well as continuing to lead the Food & Land Use research programme.

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About Planet Tracker

Planet Tracker is a non-profit financial think tank aligning capital markets with planetary boundaries. It was created to investigate the risk of market failure related to environmental limits. This investigation is primarily for the investor community where environmental limits, other than climate change, are poorly understood, even more poorly communicated and not aligned with investor capital. Planet Tracker generates breakthrough analytics to redefine how financial and environmental data interact with the aim of changing the practices of financial decision makers to help avoid both environmental failure and financial collapse.


For further information:

Dominic Lyle

Director of Communications

+44  7484 654 941

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