Will Brazil’s Raízen IPO favour climate change over food systems – will the markets ignore the root issues?

The listing of approximately 8% of Raízen for R$ 7 billion (USD 1.4 billion) looks imminent. How will sustainable investors view one of Brazil’s largest stock market listings to date?…

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Time to Move Beyond ‘Climate Lensing’ – addressing climate and nature as an integrated whole

A first of its kind collaboration between IPBES and IPCC, the two intergovernmental organizations addressing biodiversity loss and climate change, means they are using their respective science-policy platforms to align these two important efforts more closely.

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Japanese Corporate Governance Code Revision: A Missed Opportunity for Biodiversity

A revision of the Japanese Corporate Governance Code has been proposed and includes a greater focus on sustainability. Yet Japanese companies already have a high rate of sustainability reporting. The opposite is true for biodiversity though. Excluding biodiversity is a missed opportunity.

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Time to Rock the Boat – EU Must Enforce Rules to Bring Transparency and Sustainability to the Fishing Industry

The European Parliament’s Committee on the Environment (ENVI) has voted to bring more transparency to the European Union fishing industry. These proposals mark progress towards ensuring sustainability in seafood supply and marine ecosystems in the EU.

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